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Our Family

John and Pam raised five children while serving in the United States Air Force for 21 years. After retiring from active duty as a colonel, they moved to a home tucked deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. Dr. John Mansfield sees patients in Astoria, Oregon during the week, and mills wood in Castle Rock, WA on the weekends. He and his wife love traveling to see their 10 grandchildren. Their second oldest daughter Ashley moved to Washington with her husband Trevor and their three young children, and they are building a home on the neighboring acres. We are the locals behind the Mossy Grove. Talented neighbors and friends also work with us, and we are so happy to be here.

  • Preserve Wood

    "The mills won't take these logs." We hear that frequently around here, as most of the downfall and trees removed to protect structures and foundations don't fit the quantity/shape needs of the big mills. Many trees are turned to mulch, as even cutting them into firewood is challenging in most urban settings. That's where we come in. We remove and purchase local logs from private residences and turn them into beautiful slabs and quality lumber.

  • Connect

    Connections are so special. Connections to the trees we grew up next to, connections to the community we are a part of, and connections to the land we live on. Whether you want to commission a sentimental keepsake from the tree that sadly came down in a snowstorm, or you want to show off your latest woodshop creation to eager admirers, we would love to be part of making and keeping connections.

  • Explore & Create

    As a three-generation family we get to see the wonder of this area through the eyes of children, grandparents, an artist, a wood turner, budding engineers, and little explorers. Capturing and sharing some of that beauty and play is a fun part of our job, and we invite you and your family to explore and create with us as we share behind the scenes, freebies, and our favorite games, crafts, and nature adventures.
